The Salem Millwork Brochure is now available for viewing online!

Salem Millwork is a major supplier of many types of railing components. We distribute our railings through-out Western Pennsylvania with more than 150 independent retail builder supply companies. Our customer base has grown to include several regional chain lumber companies as well as several national chains.

If you are looking for parts to build your own rail or a prefab system, Salem is your answer. Our railing experts can help you create the look that most fits the décor of your home. Wether it’s all wood or a blend of iron and wood, we have everything required for the perfect installation. You may want to have your railing pre-fit to your stairs right in our shop.

We offer two types of railing systems, Pre-Fit and Pre-Fabricated.

Pre-fit Railing Systems

  • Your choice of rail is installed on the stairs at the Salem Millwork location. It is then disassembled, packaged, and delivered with your custom stairs.
  • Pre-assembly is made simple at the job site bythreaded inserts in the threads. Just match up the numbers.
  • The hardest part of the rail installation is done for you by our quality craftsmen.

Pre-Fabricated Railings

  • Inexpensive in comparison to a custom installation
  • Easy to Measure
  • Easy to Install
  • Your choice of Newels and Balusters
  • Many Configurations Possible
  • Looks Great